Thursday, February 21, 2008

2002 February Wadawgwin State Primary Scahool

In February 2002, we donate to four places namely 1) Wadawgwin State Primary School 2) Mingalar Thukha Parli University 3) Myatheingi Monastic (nun) School and 4) Visakha Monastic (nun) School. We donated to these places Kyats 100,000 each (equivalent to S$245.00).

Here are the donation images of Wadawgwin state primary schoool. This school is located in Wadawgwin Village ( which is my native village), Laymyethna Township, Ayeyarwady Division.
14 miles away from township, close to the Rakhine Yoma. Refer to the activity record no.1 for detail of donation.

Best Regards,
Aye Nyein
21-02-2008, 11:16pm